Prize-Collecting Steiner Tree Problem: A branch-and-cut algorithm (DHEA)


Let G = (V,E, c, p) be an undirected graph, with the vertices V associated with non-negative profits p, and with the edges E associated with non-negative costs c. The graph may correspond to the local street map, for example, with the edges representing street segments and vertices representing street intersections and the location of potential customers. The profit p associated with a vertex is an estimate of the potential gain of revenue caused by that customer being connected to the network and receiving its service. Vertices corresponding to street intersections have profit zero. The cost c associated with an edge is the cost of establishing the connection, i.e., of laying the pipe or cable on the corresponding street segment.


The Linear Prize-Collecting Steiner Tree problem (PCST) consists of finding a connected subgraph T = (V' ,E' ) of G, that maximizes profit(T) which is defined as the sum of all node-prizes taken into the solution minus the costs of the edges needed to establish the network.
Alternatively, one can minimize the edge-costs for establishing the network plus the penalties of the vertices outside of the solution.
An input graph G: hollow circles represent customers A feasible but not optimal PCST solution


  • k-CARDINALITY TREES: using an extension of the dhea-code, we are able to solve all the instances of the KCT-LIB to provable optimality. See our paper. More details are coming soon...
  • BIOINFORMATICS: The dhea code has been successfully used in a recent study to find functional modules in cancer interactome data. For further details see HEINZ library and a web-page of Gunnar Klau.

Licensing © 2003 - 2008

This code is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. The dhea-code has been developed with non-commercial LEDA/CPLEX licenses for academic purposes only. Part of the dhea code makes use of the following software, whose licences you will need in order to be able to run the dhea-code:

Benchmark instances


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